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Trajner/ekspert mjedisor për shkollën dimërore mjedisore!

Organizata Youth 4 Society shpall thirrjen për ekspert për trajner/ekspert mjedisor për shkollën dimërore mjedisore me të rinj për tu organizuar në Nëntor 2022.

Shiko dokumentin me poshte per me shume informacion!

*Ky projekt organizohet në kuadër të programit Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisë 2022 me mbështetjen financiare të Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar në bashkëpunim me Bashkinë Tiranë.*

#CityOfTirana#Rini aktive #Vullnetarizëm#argëtim#Gjithëpërfshirje


Minorities in Focus-living in intercultural Society

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In frame of Focus me project, cofunded by European Union under Erasmus Plus programme, Youth4Society association held in Bremen, Germany the fifth activity of the project. The youth Exchange was implemented on 8-17 February 2022 where 33 young people aged 18-30 participated in the activity hosted by Shelter E.V International. During the activity, the young people get to know the project and the activities developed by each partner to have a clearer overview of the project’s purpose and the achievement of the objectives up to that moment. During YE, participants learned more about human rights, social inclusion, minorities, migration, culture, intercultural dialogue during workshops using different multimedia tools. The main actors of the event were the participants themselves, who were carefully selected by their partners and most of them came from minority groups or were resident immigrants. The activity served to increase understanding of how we can promote social inclusion and what measures and tools should be used to ensure social cohesion in society. During the youth exchange participants created an amazing video to promote tolerance and inclusiveness! Check it out in the link below!