
Youth Exchange – Festival of common value

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“Festival of common values” was a youth exchange, Action 3.1, that was hosted and implemented by Youth 4 Society organization on 2-10 June 2014 in Tirana, Albania. The activity brought together 28 participants and 7 leaders from 7 different partners from EU and SEE countries.

Festival of Common Values” came as a project idea a group of volunteers of our NGO working with Roma youngsters, who were interested to promote equality for marginalized groups of the society. Youngsters were interested to work with other youngsters from other countries in order to find tools how to fight against discrimination and to promote common values in a society.  The activity was based in non-formal education methodology and different methods as role play, discussions, work in groups, etc were used


  • To explore situation of vulnerable target groups and propose solutions (disabled, LGBT, Roma people)
  • To promote common values of diversity and inter-culturalism among youngsters coming from different cultures
  • To foster young people to fight against discrimination, racism and xenophobia
  • To promote non-formal education and Erasmus+ programme as a support tool for inter-cultural learning
  • To foster young people to become active citizens through taking actions in the promotion of inclusion in our societies.

Participants received theoretical input about the topic and also practiced directly in the field. There were interviewed people in Durres city about their idea on discrimination, there were organized some outdoor workshops in Dajti mountain about understanding the situation of the marginalized groups of the society. Participants also visited the historical city of Kruja were they started the preparations for the final performance.

The final performance was organized on 8th of June in the park of Tirana. Participants were divided voluntary in four groups and they prepared activities about fighting discrimination towards: LGBT, women, disabled people and Roma community. This activity also helped the local community to understand the concept of respecting values and fighting discrimination.

Link: Photogallery Youth Exchange – Festival of common value


Training Course – We BELIEVE in Unity Together!

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We BELIEVE in Unity Together! is a training course for youth leaders and youth workers and it aimed to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among youth of different communities and religions and was held in Prishtina (Kosovo) from 12-19 May 2014. With this project we looked forward to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living together in a multi-religious community. The project took place in Pristina, Kosovo, and foresee 7 days of activities, excluding the travel days. 30 participants from 10 different countries were involved and a mixture of youth leaders/youth workers coming from countries of the European Union and the South East Europe Region participated. This diversity of backgrounds enhanced the mixture of ideas and experiences in a multi-cultural/multi-religious environment, for a better learning process of both the participants as well as the trainers. This course gave to participants the opportunity to improve and increase their understanding and knowledge of the diversity of religions and aimed to increase their problem – solving skills on the basis of non-formal, equality and human rights education, when confronted with prejudices, stereotypes and racism in the multi-religious community we live in. Non formal education methods like as team building activities, workshops, role playing, group discussions, brainstorming, study visits were used. Our goal through this project was also to create a real cooperation among participants, in order to build future projects. Youth 4 Society organisation was happy to be represented in this activity with 3 participants, which were satisfied with the outcomes of the training. As well Youth 4 Society put new contacts for future cooperation.