Category Archives: Projects



KICK-OFF MEETING! Y4S successfully started “Minorities in Focus Project

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We successfully implemented the Kick-off meeting in Turku, Finland! This is just the start of a great project! Thank you StepEurope for being an amazing host and partner! Thanks to our hardworking partners: Udruzenje Svetlost, Tdm 2000, Sheleter International .V

The project aims to raise the capacities of 5 youth associations from EU and Western Balkan which work in minority inclusion field through the empowerment and support of youth workers/leaders with various effective tools adding quality to youth work in local and European level. The project also seeks at fostering the participants’ awareness on how certain minorities, groups of individuals are socially excluded on the basis of their culture, status, belonging to minority groups or religion, and encourage those target groups to take a stand against racism and social exclusion using practical tools elaborated in this project. 

Objectives set from the consortium are:

  • To raise understanding of important concepts on minority, migration, social exclusion, promote inclusion among youth workers/activists and propose effective solutions
  • To analyse and address challenges faced in youth work in local and European level while implementing in practice projects with youngsters with minority background
  • To raise awareness about the different implications of the phenomenon of minorities and migration with a view to improving participants’ level of competences and fostering their active participation in society.
  • To empower youth workers to gain competences how to include young people from minorities in community life using non-formal learning mobility and various educational tools
  • To contribute to professional and personal development of youth workers and improve quality of youth work, initiatives by developing specific resources, tools and support materials for youth organizations and youth workers;
  • To promote the Erasmus + YiA Programme as a tool for minority inclusion work establishing conditions to create a common strategy for future cooperation.

Majorities, minorities, migrants and mentalities are at the center of this project that analyses the history, present and future of multicultural Europe. European national, ethnic, and religious minorities have for the past two hundred years been of fundamental importance for the ideologies and decision making processes of European states, and for the attitudes and actions of dominant majority populations.



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These publication are the result of an Erasmus KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth 2017 project “Social Inclusion Through Applied Drama”.

The project “Social Inclusion Through Applied Drama” is carried out by CEPORA – Center for Positive Youth Development and is co-financed by the Ministry of culture and information of Republic of Serbia

ALBANIA – Youth 4 Society

SPAIN –Pirineus Creatius

ITALY –Uniamoci Onlus

HUNGARY – Open Circle Association

CROATIA – Association Practicum

Social Inclusion Through Applied Drama aims at improving capacities of organizations for implementing applied drama techniques for social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. The consortium consists of organizations with different experiences in the field, and is focused at exchanging good practice, horizontal non-formal learning and enriching of partners programmes with new methodologies. It consists of organizing a seminar, a training course for youth workers and a follow-up meeting. During the project organisations will create new partnerships, exchange different effective approaches for using applied drama, enrich their programmes and raise their staff competences. As a result a new comprehensive training module will be produced, with direct inputs for replication through publicized project results. The project will have impact on organizations involved, their staff, participants in their programmes, but also on other organizations, communities their users live in, communities the organizations work in, practice in the field of social inclusion on the local, national and international level.