
Action 3.1 Training Course Human Rights Education with Children

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Action 3.1 Training Course for Human Rights Education with Children took place in Durres, Albania from 10-17 March 2011 and was implemented from Youth 4 Society organisation. The training gathered 23 participants from Programme Countries and South – East Europe and topic was dedicated to human rights education for children and promotion of Compassito- manual of human rights education for children. Aim of training was that participants improve their competencies related to human rights education with children and increase their personal and social development through different activities. In the training trainers team worked in three dimensions: giving knowledge, changing attitudes in positive way and improving skills of youth workers in human rights education for children.

Objectives of the project were:

  1. to develop competencies of 24 youth workers/ leaders in key concepts of human rights education with children
  2. to promote Compasito (manual of human rights education for children) and to familiarize the participants with its approaches and activities in order to use it and adapt in local realities
  3. to review and address essential knowledge, skills and attitudes for youth workers working in human rights education for children and to offer to then practical tools how to work with children on human rights education
  4. to promote non formal education among youth leader who are working with children
  5. to develop future partnership among youth leaders in activity in order to set up  a pan European network of youth workers working in human rights education with children
  6. To promote Youth in Action programme as a tool for promoting children rights and peer to peer education

The methodology was based in non formal education approach, lot of communication based methods, activity based methods, socially focused methods and self directing methods were used.

Link: Photogallery Training Course Human Rights Education with Children


Training Course – Make a difference for new generations

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The TC “Make a difference for new generations” brought together 27 youth leaders and youngsters from 8 different countries to improve the competencies of youth leaders which work with children education and promote Compasito manual. The training was implemented on 12-20 March 2014 in Pogradec, Albania and was implemented from Youth4Society organisation.
Objectives of the activity were:
• to develop competencies of 27 youth workers/ leaders in key concepts of human rights education with children
•  to promote Compasito (manual of human rights education for children) and to familiarize the participants with its approaches and activities in order to use it and adapt in local realities
•  to review and address essential knowledge, skills and attitudes for youth workers working in human rights education for children and to offer to then practical tools how to work with children on human rights education
•  to promote non formal education among youth leader who are working with children
•  to develop future partnership among youth leaders in activity in order to set up  a pan European network of youth workers working in human rights education with children
• to promote Youth in Action programme as a tool for promoting children rights and peer to peer education
Some of working methods used were: brainstorming, small group work, open group discussion, theatre, role play, ranking, simulation exercise, open debate, round tables, learning by doing, collage, presentations, feedback and theoretical input from trainers.
The direct beneficiaries of the project were participants. The training was designed to offer them the possibility of working for one week with young people coming from other cultures, interested in Human Rights Education for children. The impact in the group was related not only to Human Rights Education for children but also it helped in fostering their participation, acceptance and tolerance of other people from other cultures, improving different skills in  themselves, creativity and mutual understanding in a group. The project was a form of rising awareness about other cultures, other organizations involved in the field and also in local community.
Participants improved knowledge about Human Rights in general and in particular human rights with children, knowledge about each other country profile regarding children rights, knowledge how to set up workshops and how to implement them, knowledge about Erasmus +, knowledge about children development levels, knowledge how to work with children and facilitate activities, knowledge about other cultures etc.