Category Archives: Projects



Activity 3: Youth Exchange – Act for Human Rights Education

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The youth exchange “Act for Human Rights Education” was the third activity of the project implemented in Pogradec, Albania from 10-18 March 2016. Partner countries: PEL– FYR of Macedonia, Ligo Lex Legis-Kosovo, Svetlost-Serbia, Praxis-UK, Group Zenith-Turkey, TDM 200

0-Italy, Mladi Voluntari-Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Group: 40 participants and group leaders (25 males and 15 females)
Team: The exchange was facilitated by group leaders and 1 support staff and a trainer in HRE. The main aim of the exchange was to allow the young people come together in a multicultural environment and learn about human rights and multimedia tools that can be used to advocate the HRE. At same time the main focus of the project was that participants that were in the first two activities would lead the groups and have the possibility to firstly practice the skills and knowledge gained in the TCs, and secondly transfers these skills to the other participants.

The youth exchange was run through the non formal education settings, allowing the participants to get the necessary skills and knowledge and to put them in practice. As such, during the event concrete workshops from HRE manuals were implemented, role plays and simulation activities, as well as country realities. All these gave the participants the possibility to learn more about HRE and each other realities they come from.

The second half of the exchange was then fully based on putting skills in practice using learning by doing. Learning from professionals of video making and media approaches, they were able to learn how to edit and produce short videos, always focusing on human rights issues. As an added element to the exchange was the focus in written media, where participants were taught how to write reportage and articles for online media. After working in groups the participants created 4 different works that were later on exhibited in an open exhibition at the hotel where some local youngsters and media channels were invited to participate.

The 4 workshops were: Photo reportage about gender based issues “You know my gender not my story- Gender in-between the stereotypes!” Article and street interviews about the city of Pogradec. Photo reportage about gender equality – Violence is not the choice Photo reportage “the right to choose”, with pictures taken from the creations of recycled materials and pictures using shadows technique. Its to be emphasized that the work done from the groups was exceptional, with lots of collaboration and creativity to apply all the information, knowledge and skills received in the previous two trainings.




Activity 2: Training of Trainers on multimedia and promotion of HRE

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The training course Embracing Multimedia for HRE- Training of Trainer on multimedia and promotion of HRE: 14-21 December 2015 was implemented by Youth 4 Society organization and took place from 14 -21 December 2015 in Durres, Albania.
In the training participated 24 participants from whom 11 males and 13 females asuring a good gender balance.
The training was facilitated from an international team of 4 trainers and 2 support staff.
The main aim of this training course was to bring together 24 youth leaders / workers coming from different countries of Europe, in order to empower them with knowledge on promoting of human rights education approach and multimedia tools, which they can use within their projects and practices. A core element of the training course was to foster young people from different cultural backgrounds in the strengthening of civil society providing them with practical tools how to use multimedia in their work as an innovative approach in promotion of human rights education. Combination of theory on HRE and practice in multimedia was an element which made this training course a very special experience. Participants got knowledge in human rights education main philosophy, multimedia, Erasmus + programme, networking. As practical skills participants worked with multimedia tools such were: preparing the script, editing and sound, camera usage and adobe premier, written media and  photography. In the end of the training the participants created 2 video jingles with message about importance of protection of human rights and inclusion in our communities.
During the training course, participants were provided with knowledge and information about the historical role and present function of human rights, European institutions, the concepts and formal meanings, expressions of human rights education in concrete work with youngsters with fewer opportunities. Both the Council of Europe and the European Commission are promoting active citizenship and human rights education through policies and programs and therefore detailed presentations were done by the trainers.
Project was a unique and sucesfull experience because practice and thoery was combined in useful way. During the first days of training participants got knowledge in key concepts such were: human rights, human rights education approach, inclusion, equality, citizenship, intercultural learning, solidarity, empathy, Erasmus +Youth in action ect. And in continuation participants worked with multimedia tools participating in different workshops such were photograpy, written media, articles, sound, figure, editing ect. Participants improved their competencies as trainers in human rights educationan and inclusion topic and learn practically how to use multimedia in their youth work with young people.