Category Archives: Projects



Training course: equal opportunities for different groups

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The Training Course “Equal Participation for different groups” was developed in Durres, Albania 9-16 May 2009 for youth workers who wanted to learn about human rights education (discrimination, social exclusion, gender based violence, disability, migration, children rights), and to  develop over the present challenges that they  face.

This training aimed to train youth leaders, youth workers in developing human rights education and promoting it to youth.


Youth Exchange : Open Dialogue among our cultures 3-12 April 2009, Durres, Albania

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This project was a multilateral  youth exchange which brought together 30 young people from 5 different countries (Greece, Italy, Albania, Macedonia and Turkey) in an open dialogue among our cultures by bringing together young people from different background and cultures. The project aimed to promote and raise awareness about intercultural dialogue; to provide condition that young people meet cultural diversity; make participants to reflect on their identity; helping them to gain the capacity to recognize inequality, injustice, racism, stereotypes and prejudices among different cultures, and try to find solution to these phenomena.